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He’s performed for top studios like Cockyboys, Eurocreme, Staxus, Lucas Entertainment, UKHot Jocks, Blake Mason and more.īorn in Budapest, Hungary, Darius would eventually make his way to London as an adult where he was unsurprisingly noticed over and over again by producers, scouts, and directors. With his blonde hair, strikingly beautiful cobalt blue eyes, insanely fit, hairless body, and that glorious uncut cock, Darius Ferdynand has been wowing the world of gay adult entertainment in a way that many stars can only dream of.

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If you have yet to see a performance by Darius Ferdynand you must be living in a strange, barren, porn-less wasteland, but then again you are reading this on, so now we must ask, how is this possible? Darius has been gracing the screens of his fans since his debut in 2011, and that fan base is only growing by the minute.

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